Furniture & Wood Art: Contemporary furniture by Tim Atkinson & Jay Duffield plus beautiful work by Maria Santos-Alcantara, Kathryn O’Kell and John Shorrock. We also display fine sculptural work by a range of talented artists.

Tim Atkinson

Tim Atkinson
24 items

The Bespoke Home

The Bespoke Home
16 items

Frazer Burley

Frazer Burley
2 items

Kathryn O'Kell

Kathryn O'Kell
6 items

Maria Santos

Maria Santos
5 items

Jay Rubinstein

Jay Rubinstein
2 items

Joey Richardson

Joey Richardson
4 items

John Shorrock

John Shorrock
8 items

Tim Atkinson

Tim Atkinson
24 items

The Bespoke Home

The Bespoke Home
16 items

Frazer Burley

Frazer Burley
2 items

Kathryn O'Kell

Kathryn O'Kell
6 items

Maria Santos

Maria Santos
5 items

Jay Rubinstein

Jay Rubinstein
2 items

Joey Richardson

Joey Richardson
4 items

John Shorrock

John Shorrock
8 items