Frazer Burley has always been creative and willing to try new ideas. He studied experimental art at university and has also a keen interest in photography and music. After a decade or so of working in kitchens, he found his way to working with wood, thanks to a group of South Cumbrian coppice workers. He quickly realised that ‘good’ timber didn’t appeal to him, lacking soul. With more time spent in the woods, he began to find the half-rotten trunks, storm-maimed limbs and bulbous burls that really speak to him.

With each piece I found came a new conversation; one where I would ask “how can I enhance these features and draw out their beauty?” The pieces would remain quiet, but as I began to work, chipping away material, hollowing and sanding the hidden facets would come to light. These facets become the wood’s voice; they guide my work, revealing new ways to celebrate each piece’s character. It is a wondrous collaborative experience that is captivating.”

Frazer Burley works from his studio in Thelkeld in the Lake District.

Elm sculpture by Frazer BurleyElm sculpture by Frazer Burley
Oak sculpture by Frazer BurleyOak sculpture by Frazer Burley