Copper bowl by Sara Piper Heap

Sara Piper Heap

Copper bowl by Sara Piper HeapAfter a little break we are delighted to welcome back Sara Piper Heap. Sara is a Shropshire-based metalsmith who makes a wide range of jewellery and decorative pieces. She has a real intuitive feel for metals – as she says “I love that when you hit it, it moves and when you heat it, it becomes easier to manipulate. I love that it can sparkle yet ages beautifully”.

For her new collection here at OCG, Sara has created several of her distinctive enamelled copper bowls. These have a deep lustrous finish on the exterior and a bright, gilt-like interior. Each is hand-pierced around the rim with scenes of wildlife and landscape.

We are also thrilled to have one of Sara’s one-off centrepiece metalwork sculptures. This piece, titled ‘Three Dogs in a Three dogs in a teapot - sculpture by Sara Piper HeapTeapot” is a whimsical and beautiful combination of reused objects, metalwork and ceramic figures made by Sarah. Together they create an absolutely unique and distinctive piece of artwork. This, along with Sara’s bowls, can be seen in the gallery or in our online shop.


For those of you who are lucky enough to live near Sara’s workshop in Shropshire, and who fancy learning more about metalwork, she runs courses for all. They cover a wide range of techniques that can be applied to jewellery making. You can find all the details on the Sara Piper Heap website here.