Tony Galuidi is based in the north-east of England. His work has appeared in several books and he has held solo exhibitions in Grasmere, Kirkleatham Museum and Avebury. Some of his tree paintings have been reproduced as greetings cards for the Woodland Trust

“I love to paint atmospheric, moody themes. I’m far more interested in the natural and ancient world than in the modern, human environment. I’ve recently re-discovered the clean and powerful imagery of the humble pencil but I also work with acrylics, ink and etching.”

Tony donates the entire proceeds from his work to a number of charities in the hope that some good will come from his artistic endeavours. When not painting he runs a theatre company for adults with learning difficulties called Earthbeat. He lives in a house by the sea in the north east of England where he writes and plays the flute. Most of all, he loves to walk in the mountains and forests of Cumbria.

Borrowdale yew by Anthony GaluidiBorrowdale yew by Anthony Galuidi
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Hawthorn before Langdale Pikes by Anthony GaluidiHawthorne detail
Hawthorn on scree, Coniston by Anthony GaluidiHawthorn on scree, Coniston by Anthony Galuidi
Towards Bowfell by Anthony GaluidiTowards Bowfell by Anthony Galuidi
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