Liz Ellis was born in Cheshire. After studying science, then 3D Design (ceramics, wood, metal and plastics) she set up a design business and continued with sculptural projects. Later training as an osteopath she alternated working in this field with sculptural work. She retired from osteopathy to work full time in sculpture in 2006.

Liz says of her work: ‘Clay is one of the most fundamental of all materials. Working with clay we involve all four elements. We refine it from the earth, make it malleable with water, when formed we allow the air slowly to dry it until finally it is given up to fire to be transformed.’

Liz’s figures are all hand built. Form, balance, expression and the allusion to movement are all at the centre of her practice. Her bird sculptures are a metaphor for the joy and beauty of the natural world but also a reminder of the poignant transience of existence.

Liz Ellis is based in Cheshire. Her work is exhibited nationally and internationally and held in private collections in UK , Eire, France, Holland and Switzerland.

Owl by Liz EllisHalf a Dark Star by Liz Ellis