Maggie Robinson ’s bold contemporary landscapes are inspired by her early years growing up on the North Yorkshire Moors in a large musical family; despite gaining a Bachelor’s degree in Education, she’s developed a distinctive style and is entirely self taught. Her ‘Music of the landscape’ series, is a collection of work in which each piece is developed through the exploration of the musical qualities of: melody, harmony and rhythm found in our beautiful countryside.

Recently Maggie developed an indoors series entitled ‘A moment in time’ in which she forcuses on still-life subjects. These are both charming and spontaneous using the same techniquse as found in her landscapes.

Maggie is a member of MAFA (Manchester Academy of Fine Art) recently she been elected as an Associate Member of the Society of Women Artists , she exhibits regularly with The Royal Society of British Artists and The Society of Women Artists both in the Mall Galleries London.

…and the night shall be filled with music
A rhythmical journey
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Mingled in Harmony
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Available: 1
The sustaining power of music
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Available: 1