Ann Loines was born in Leicestershire in 1963 and despite a childhood that included living in Cyprus, and various parts of the United Kingdom, she returned to Leicestershire to study for her B.A.(hons) degree in Textile Design at Loughborough.

Ann has had a successful career that has always revolved around art in some way. A significant part of which has been as Head of Art; teaching Art and Design at secondary level.

While successfully selling work through exhibitions and galleries in the UK, Ann also has work in Australia and the USA. Her art work has always maintained an interest in continuing to develop technical skills with a variety of media from pencil drawing to encaustic wax pieces. Now, painting from a purpose built Art Studio at her home, she mainly paints in oils, cold wax and encaustic wax with a quality that is truly encapsulating.

Ann says that she likes to explore colour and texture, creating layers within her work, in order to capture depth and atmosphere. This links back to her love of textiles; her initial pathway into the Arts

Bluebell Calm by Ann LoinesBluebell Calm by Ann Loines
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Evening Glow by Ann LoinesEvening Glow by Ann Loines
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