Graham Muir was born in Edinburgh and trained in glass at Edinburgh College of Art. He graduated with B.A. Hons in Glass Design. Graham worked for a number of small glassblowing studios while undertaking commissions including engravings of dancers from Sadlers Wells and Royal Ballet Companies.

“I wish to make beautiful glass. Such work speaks quietly of the harmony between the maker and the medium. This is often the result of a path that involves many failed attempts but results in a piece all the stronger for that, where nothing needs adding or taking away.

I find glass to be a material that does not respond well to being dominated by the artist. The concept of the work is just the starting point for a conversation between the artist’s idea and the material. The artist introduces an idea, the medium responds and the discussion begins. However the material must not dominate proceedings either. Hot glass, as most who work in it know, can be very persuasive in having its own way! This is where technical skill plays its part.

By instilling these qualities into my work I find that my ideas have moved far from the traditional glassmaking I was taught at Art College. I have had to develop new techniques and resurrect and adapt old ones. Because only by doing this can one move on from the inevitable constraints on form that glassblowing produces.”

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