Varie Freyne
Varie Freyne started pottery as a hobby 40 years ago. She began with hand-building & then developed skills on the wheel. Varie works a lot with red earthenware clay & developed designs using majolica glazes & oxides.
Since taking early retirement she has bought a kiln & now works in stoneware & white earthenware clays. She mainly hand builds using slabs, coils & moulds. Varie loves constructing forms and shapes with clay in various states, either soft coils or leather hard sections. She uses a clear glaze, as the decoration for her is the most important part. This is inspired by printing & textile design. On stoneware clay Varie uses coloured slips to decorate, sometimes in a very fluid way with brushes & sometimes in a more precise way using the scrafitto technique.
Varie Freyne is based in the north-east of England and is a member of the Northern Potters Association.