Craig Underhill
Craig Underhill was born in Glasgow and studied ceramics in Derbyshire and Portsmouth. This was followed by a graduate assistantship at the University of Eastern Illinois, USA.
“I am a ceramic artist who uses mark making and drawing techniques to create rich, painterly surfaces on slab built vessel forms that suggest landscape I have visited or travelled through. I prefer the softer surface that is achieved by using my hands to make a slab, as opposed to the harder and flatter finish achieved with a slab roller”.
Craig adds texture to soft slabs of clay. Lines are then drawn into the leather-hard surface using simple wooden tools. Nest, coloured engobe is used like paint to create the surface imagery. Shapes are cut from a slab ready to assemble into vessel forms. These are then fired and finished to create the final vessel.
Craig Underhill now lives and works in Cornwall, where he has a studio.