Ambleside, Inside & Out, 27th April – 11th May 2019
Dawn Gabrielle Chandler, Philip L Hobbs and R Martin Tomlinson
Dawn is well-known for her ShelfLife paintings but for this exhibition she returned to a medium, pencil, with which she began her art career over twenty years ago.
The gallery has previously hosted an exhibition of Phil’s Venetian work and was excited to show his more local work too. “I’ve lived and worked in and around Ambleside all of my adult life and I’ve watched it change and seen its people come and go. The farms, blacksmiths’ workshops, slate works and boatyards are all among my favourite subjects”.
This was the first time that the gallery had the pleasure of featuring Martin’s work. Like Phil, Martin has lived in Ambleside for most of his life – “this Exhibition has given me a great chance to focus my painting on the familiar landscape and buildings I see every day. Several of the pictures in this collection have been painted within yards of my front door and it has been a wonderful opportunity to fully appreciate what is virtually on my doorstep.”